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Wrought Iron Railings Measuring Guide

How to Measure the Opening When Ordering Wrought Iron Railings

Wrought iron railings are available as standard to fit an opening of 1830mm so measuring up is simple and straightforward. Any odd sizes left over can be taken up with the addition of a made to measure panel.


wrought iron railings measuring example


Measure the Gap

Fixing Between Brick Pillars – Simply measure the gap between the pillars. If this is wider than a single panel, you will need to add a central bolt down post to join 2 panels together.



  • A total gap of 3710mm between brick pillars will require 2 x 1830mm standard width railings and 1 x 50mm bolt down post
  • A total gap of 3000mm between brick pillars will require 1 x 1830mm standard width railing, 1 x 1120mm made to measure railing and 1 x 50mm bolt down post



Where there is any overhanging brickwork on the pillars, make sure the railing will not come into contact with it. For more detailed information of exact specification for each design please refer to the product description for each design we have available.


Assistance and Advice

If you feel unsure about what sizes to order, please feel to contact us for assistance.


Made to measure railings are available

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